To ensure when taking my photos I am able to take the best possible photos to suit my magazine, I want to research different portrait photographers and analyse how there work is different to anyone else's. This will give me key ideas and inspiration for how to craft my own work.
Andy Gotts: Andy Gotts (MBE) is a photographer from London and has gained popularity mainly from his black and white portraits of famous faces. The portraits he takes are very personal, up-close and vivid. The screen is mostly used up in almost all of his photographs and are very high detailed, which doesn't fit in with the minamilist style that most of the magazines in the genre I am aiming for fit into. Although the conventions of his photos aren't something I would use myself, I am very fond of the creativity used in his photographs. In almost all of the photos any face other than a straight one is used, which interests me.
Rankin: Rankin is another well known British photographer, if not perhaps the most well known. Rankin has taken portraits of loads of famous celebrities over the years and uses quite a similar style to that of Gotts. Although his most famous work probably comes from his fashion photography, as I will be using portraits in my magazine I will look at his portrait photography for inspiration. The portraits Rankin takes are similarly as creative as that of Gotts', yet aren't all taken in black and white. Although similar I prefer the work of Rankin as his photos arent always as in yoir face compared to that of Gotts.
Terry Richardson: Terry Richardson is a well known LA based photographer. Much of his work and personal life is controversial and is notorious for being slightly crude or coarse. Although being disliked by much of the public, Richardson has worked with some of the largest brands in fashion, such as, Marc Jacobs, Aldo, Supreme, Sisley, Tom Ford, and Yves Saint Laurent. Alongside his fashion work Terry Richardson is also well known for hi shoots and portraits for magazines such as Candy and i-D. Many of his portraits and taken in up close and personal. He is well known for having a good relationship with the model he is taking photos of. Equally similar to both of the other photographers i have looked at, his portraits follow a 'wacky' style and all appear slightly unconventional.