Friday, 22 January 2016

Magazine Publishing Institutions

When researching genres and examples of pre-existing texts I researched institutions and companies that publish magazines. The first thing I did when researching this was look up the publishers for many of the magazines that I am using to gain inspiration from. The problem with this was that many of the magazines I am using for inspiration are free and are therefore run by independent companies, meaning the magazines are not published through an institution. Magazines such as Loud and Quiet and Crack were a problem as they were all independent brands, funded by donations and advertising. I wanted to look for magazines that were published by institutions and companies. To do this I had to look outside of my genre and inspirational targets. I researched magazines that were also free but were not part of an independent company.

NME has recently made the decision to become free of purchase. Although they no longer take money to sell their magazine, they have remained with the institution 'Time Inc Uk', who distribute and publish the most well known British indie magazine. This institution is large and publish's over 57 well known English magazines. Although this institution would be very helpful if my magazine were to become successful (due to the size of the company), I do not think it would be suitable for my personal media product. As my magazine will follow a more niche and individual style and will aim to target a different audience to that of mainstream popular magazines, such as NME and almost all of the media products that they publish, this intuition would not suit my media product.

To make sure I could find a publisher that would suit my style of media product, I researched further into publishing companies. I discovered that the media company 'The Church of London' publish indie magazines such as 'Little White Lies' and 'Huck' magazine. This organisation would be a prime example of someone I could potentially use as a publisher as the genre of work and products that they work with directly relates to the piece I plan to create myself.

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