Thursday, 4 February 2016

Evaluation Question 4

When researching a target audience for my magazine I looked into other magazines that already existed and that fitted into similar genres and looked at who they aimed their media products towards. I decided that I would aim my magazine at an age range of 16-30, aimed at both genders, as I believe that many other music magazines aim their products at an older and predominantly male audience. I chose to aim my magazine at a younger audience as I believe there is a gap in the magazine for an alternate magazine aimed at a younger generation, even though the majority of the alternate genre listeners are of a younger age. I also visited the UK Tribes website when researching a potential audience and found two groups (Indie Scenesters and Creatives) that I believed fitted the genre and style of my potential audience. When creating an audience profile I stated that I wanted to aim my media product at a young individual of any gender that is interested or that may be entertained by articles surrounding music of the indie/alternate genre. He or she may be interested in older music such as The Smiths or newer music and bands such as Peace. They will also be interested in discovering new acts and attending or enjoy reading about events such as concerts or gigs and music festivals such as Reading and Leeds Festival (as this festival fits into the genre of music my magazine will surround). When creating my media product I had to ensure that my artists fitted into this genre and would appeal to readers. I did this by researching using UK Tribes and other sites to ensure I knew what my audience would be interested by. To ensure I fitted into the sub-category or genre of alternate magazine and to appeal to the audience I wanted to appeal to, I made my magazine look clean and simplistic as this follows conventions of this type of media product.  

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